Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Baden in the autumn - the top 5 destination countries

The bathing season in the Mediterranean is coming to an end
is slowly but surely you over: The swimming season in the western Mediterranean. Below 20 ° the Wasssertemperatur in many places has already been made.
this week announced the German Weather Service in Hamburg 19 ° degrees for the Algarve, 16 degrees to 18 degrees for the French Mediterranean coast, 19 degrees to 20 degrees in Mallorca. Swim At these temperatures? Br ... Kaaalt! You have to be well calibrated. Much warmer it is here in Cyprus. Since there are already at least a pleasant 24 degrees. Really comforting to splash in the sea it is when one wanders into the distance. In Mauritius and the Phlilippinen there are full 30 degrees. Heavenly warm! But can also be in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata, and the Gulf of Mexico it is still swimming. Herrlich, 29 ° degrees.

water temperatures Europe and long haul destinations for temperatures:

Platz 1
Mauritius 30 °

Philippines 30 °

No. 2
Gulf of Mexico 29 °
Puerto Plata 29 °

3rd place
Maldives 28 °
Red Sea 28 ° 28 °
Tahiti 28 ° 28 °

place 4
Sri Lanka 26 °

Place 5
Cyprus 24 °

Fiji Islands 22 ° 22 °
Las Palmas 22 - 23 °
Tunis 21 °
Canary Islands 21 - 23 °
Eastern Mediterranean 21 - 23 °
Corfu 20 - 21 ° 20 °
Mallorca 19 -20 °
Algarve coast 19 ° 19 °
Valencia 19 °
South 18 °
Aegean 18 - 22 °
Biarritz 16 °
French Mediterranean coast, 16 - 18 °
Rimini 16 - 17 °
Western Mediterranean Sea 16 - 21 °
Adriatic 15 - 20 °
Biscay 14 - 17 °
Black sea is 13 - 17 ° 13 °

Clearly at # 1 the first two places with rich Phlippinen Mauritius and 30 °. That's super warm, ideal for swimming and relaxing. Even in 2nd place closely followed by the Gulf of Mexico and Puerto Plata at 29 °. Only 1 degree cooler, and with 28 ° cozy and warm to share five long-haul holidays 3rd Place. Maldives, Red Sea, Seychelles, Tahiti and Thailand.

brief overview of the water temperatures in remote destinations:

  1. Fiji Islands 22 °
  2. Hawaii 20 °
  3. Gulf of Mexico 29 °
  4. California 13 °
  5. Maldives 28 °
  6. Mauritius 30 °
  7. Puerto Plata 29 °
  8. Philippines 30 °
  9. Red Sea 28 °
  10. Seychelles 28 °
  11. Sri Lanka 26 °
  12. Sydney 19 °
  13. Südafrika 18 °
  14. Tahiti 28 °
  15. Thailand 28 °

Kurzüberblick über die Wassertemperaturen in Europa:

  1. Adria 15 - 20 °
  2. Ägäis 18- 22 °
  3. Algarve Küste 19 °
  4. Antalya 22 - 23 °
  5. Azoren 19 - 20 °
  6. Biarritz 16 °
  7. Biskaya 14 - 17 °
  8. French Mediterranean coast, 16 - 18 °
  9. Canary Islands 21 - 23 °
  10. Corfu 20 - 21 °
  11. Las Palmas 22 - 23 °
  12. Madeira 22 °
  13. Mallorca 19 -20 °
  14. Eastern Mediterranean 21 - 23 °
  15. Rimini 16 - 17 °
  16. Black sea is 13 - 17 °
  17. Tunis 21 °
  18. Valencia 19 °
  19. Western Mediterranean Sea 16 - 21 °
  20. Cyprus 24 °

Conclusion: Who does not feel like bad weather on does not blow trouble, because there are plenty of travel destinations where one can bathe.

Read the article in the Code 12 entry Desperately seeking recovery exactly right what you need so you can again fill up energy!


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