Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2002 Fan Relay Control

bad weather

Now comes the bad weather?
This morning was something different. Clock at 6:30, it was so dark, it was drizzling, I ran a chill down my back I thought to myself: Oh, no! At first I was confused because the rain is okay already this season from normal and on, but somehow I do not not fit today something today and I wondered just what

And suddenly it occurred to me:
Yesterday at the same time It was still light completely stunned I had to laugh at myself, for, as he sneaks quietly, secretly and slowly, the winter. He almost tricked me by the wonderful warm autumn day with lots of sunshine. I am actually not at all rain and certainly not to feel like winter. But fortunately, I will of Mother Nature and Mother climate is not required. The two do you know, anyway you want.

Since the weather has to accept anyway how come it does not matter if it's raining, snowing or sunny. A weather forecaster I have not met me or what needs to be escaped, because one thing is surely a fact:
1.If I am angry, that it rains changed the weather and my mood is at its lowest point.
second If I am looking to change the weather and my mood is still good.

Conclusion: So I just try to see it positively. When it rains, storms, snow .... I can change the weather, but I can change me as I am not thereby be influenced. Alerdings there is still a possibility, because if I am too wet, too cold and I really want to soak up the sun then pack I just bags and go off on holiday


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