Sunday, August 30, 2009

Metlife Std Pregnancy Decline

Suisse-Emex-a complete success for - the biggest event platform of Switzerland was the go-live at Suisse-Emex. And it was a complete success!

After so much encouragement and compliments to the professional appearance, the very attractive design and the clearly structured search criteria, we are now spurred on to further achievements!

We have received great feedback and were allowed to take a lot of bookings at the show in order. The home page and other categories are sold out for banner advertising already for months.
Many premium bookings were added. But especially the additional categories for only 1 - CHF per month in the standard has been widely used.
No unjustified prices to a qualitatively very good range found in the public and our guests received.
We have already planned for additional improvements to be implemented in the next few weeks.

With over 1,000 visitors on some in the first few days, we have created a lively interest. Especially our pleasure but also the more than 100 new entries in just 1 week!

cate Thank you for all the great feedback and lots of fun and success with eve &!

The eve & cate team


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